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St Paul's Cof E Primary School

We Can Do All This Through Him Who Gives Us Strength

School Partnership

Since 2014 St Paul’s has developed three close school partnerships.


Millbrook Park

In 2012 St Paul's and the LDBS Trust were  invited to bid for, as then, an unnamed new school within the parish. Eighteen months later, Millbrook Park opened as the second Church of England school serving the Parish of St Paul's under the leadership of the LDBS with a shared Executive Head across both schools.  The school is very different to St Paul's in that it is a large, modern campus but shares similar ambitions for its community and has grown to be a deeply respected school within the community.  Under the partnership leadership the school secured Outstanding in its first SIAMs and Good in its first OFSTED. This partnership ended in July 2018.

Monken Hadley

In September 2019, St Paul’s entered into a second partnership with Monken Hadley Church of England Primary School.  The school is located in the north of Barnet and is very similar to St Paul's in ethos and community.  The schools have both benefited from shared curriculum and resources.  From September 2021, the partnership was extended for a further three years. In February 2023 it was graded Excellent in all areas in it's SIAMs inspection and then just one month later it was graded Oustanding in all areas in its OFSTED inspection.

St Mary's

In January 2023, the school engaged in a third partnership with St Mary's, Islington to support the school during a period of instability.  The school is similar in size to St Paul's and is located in the very busy area of Upper Street in the heart of Islington.  Despite the urban setting, it is a calm oasis with a wonderful community. In April 2023 the school published its latest OFSTED and were pleased to retain their Good rating. This secondment has been extended until the end of the summer term 2023.

Thanwe School - Prayer Partner School

In 2019 St Paul's began a prayer partnership with Thanwe School, Malawi.  The aim of the partnership is simple; we are to pray for each other, for thanks, for our needs and to praise God.  The school's link is with Chris Scutt, who met the school in November 2019 to explain his work with Thanwe School and to explore a bit about Malawi and the type of country that it is.

Just as we started to get things going, the pandemic began.  As in our country, schools closed as families and governments locked down.  As with our country there was illness and sadness. 

But we are now entering a new phase, one of hope.  We have asked Thanwe to pray for the following:

  • a healthy and safe return to school
  • for patience and kindness as we re-new relationships
  • for energy from the staff and families as we support children to catch up on their learning
  • for a rekindling of our partnerships with the church and community

We have asked for prayers from Thanwe and will post them here and in the news letters when we receive them.