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St Paul's Cof E Primary School

We Can Do All This Through Him Who Gives Us Strength

School History

400 years of educational history

A school has been located on the current site for nearly 400 years. 

The exact dates have been sadly lost however it was clear that by the time of the death of the Rev. Benjamin Hinton (1643) there was a well-established small school with up to 30 children attending daily.

By the mid-eighteenth century it became clear that there was a lack of educational facilities in the area and a lack of school leadership.  This was rectified in 1787 where the minutes of the trustees recorded that William Roome had been appointed school-master at Mill Hill (as it was then called) "at a salary of £25 a year commencing at Michaelmas last and that he be paid £5 a year more for rent if the trustees find him attentive to the instructions of the children."

It wasn't until the 9th January 1833 that the Hendon School Trustees resolved to establish a 'national school' on the St Paul's site. It was decided a week later that a new building would be needed consisting of a 'large room' and a 'classroom'.  At the same meeting it was agreed to spend the "the most substantial sum of £370.14.0."

The school took seven months to build and on 8th August 1834 the school was opened.  It was designed to support 110 children (which was more or less equally divided between girls and boys) starting with children aged 5 years old.

The school has always had a close relationship with the church, a relationship that it retains 180 years later. Whilst much has changed within education our core purpose remains the same; to prepare our children academically, socially and spiritually for the their futures

Head Teachers from 1787 to today

The Charity School

  • 1787 - 1795 William Roome & Mrs Schofield
  • 1795 - 1809 Jonathan Payne & Mrs Payne

The National School

  • July 1834 - 1859 Mr C Warman & Mrs Partridge
  • 1860 - 1866 Mr & Mrs Bevis
  • 1866 - 1867 W C MacDonald
  • 1868 - 1874 Samuel Charlton
  • 1874 - 1876 Samuel Olds
  • 1876 - 1877 H W Winchester
  • 1877 - 1878 J F Liddington
  • 1878 - 1883 C Urmston
  • 1883 - 1885 W H Booker
  • 1885 - 1921 A E Winney
  • 1921 - 1942 G L Dannielli
  • 1942 - 1953 A J Bush
  • 1953 - 1958 C Bissendden
  • 1958 - 1963 E H Davis
  • 1964 - 1978 J W Martin
  • 1978 - 1996 Hazel Turner
  • 1996 - 2000 Sian Thornton
  • 2000 - 2004 Robin Archibald
  • 2004 - 2011 Jane  Shelbourn
  • 2011…          Anthony David