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St Paul's Cof E Primary School

We Can Do All This Through Him Who Gives Us Strength


 Music is more than a curriculum subject; at St Paul's, we aim to instil a love and understanding of music that will live well beyond our children's time at school. The way we teach music aims for excellence, understanding and joy - three key elements of our school vision.


The National Curriculum for music aims to ensure that all children: 

  • perform, listen to, review and evaluate music;
  • be taught to sing, create and compose music;
  • understand and explore how music is created, produced and communicated.

At St Paul’s not only do we want children to gain a firm understanding of what music is through listening, singing, playing, evaluating and composing across a wide variety of styles, traditions, and musical genres but we want it to be the heartbeat for their lives.  Music is a rare subject that translates into all cultures.  We all have key songs or musical moments that have helped define who we are. Imagine how much deeper that connection would be with a richer experience of music? It is for this reason that our children will learn a range of instruments and have a unique set of opportunities to express their music that will be milestone moments in their lives (it is hard to forget performing at the O2 or Royal Albert Hall!)

For this reasons we aim to develop a vivid curiosity for the subject, as well as an understanding and appreciation of the importance of all types of music. Wherever possible, we endeavour to expose our children to a wide range of opportunities to perform and share their musical experiences. 


The music curriculum is delivered through a combination of a structured music scheme ensuring progression of skills and knowledge across the school alongside skilled music teachers who enrich our music provision. Music at St Paul’s is further enhanced through our weekly singing collective worship, choir and whole class music lessons. As part of the curriculum, we teach children to use correct music vocabulary and to analyse a range of music. We enrich our curriculum with professional musical instruction as well as high quality music experiences, starting with the Barnet Infant Music Concert then leading to performing at the Arts Depot, Royal Albert Hall and then, finally, the O2 Arena in Year 6.  Threaded throughout this are opportunities to perform in school with our long established school orchestra, brass, samba and steel pan concerts. 

All children experience a wide range of performance through our end of term shows.

Spiritually we develop through worship in school and in church, as well as regular 'special' church services such as Harvest, Christmas Carols, Easter and our summer School Leavers service.  All of these opportunities serve to enrich our curriculum.


At St Paul’s the essence of our curriculum is curiosity and our children leave us having had an excellent foundation in discovering music. Our children have a wide range of musical experiences throughout their time with us. They have opportunities to develop their self-confidence through learning new skills and performing in front of others. In finding out about a wide variety of music, children learn about other cultures as well as different tastes in music. This helps develop children's understanding of the wider world and tolerance. We see that by having an opportunity to explore music at school, children develop an aptitude, joy and interest which they take with them beyond St Paul’s and into their secondary school lives.


St Paul's - Music in the Curriculum